Visit us

We try to give you an insight into our happy and inspiring school on the website. However we warmly encourage you to visit us to see the school in action, watch the learning and opportunities enjoyed by our pupils, and experience for yourself the engaging and nurturing environment that underpins all we do.

Open Days

We hold three Open Days a year, one each term.

Find out more about what to expect at an Open Day here.

Private tours

Whether or not you attend an Open Day, we would strongly recommend you visit the school on a normal working day.

You will be welcomed by our Registrar Elizabeth Winter, meet Headmaster Andrew Webster and take a tour of the school and grounds, where you will be able to witness the vibrant learning that takes place every day and get a feel for the character of the school. We will invite you to tell us about your child, their interests and strengths, and anything you feel will help us understand how we can best support them. If there is anything of particular interest – for example Early Years, Sport or Science – let us know, and we can ensure that you get a real insight into that area.

Taster days

It is, of course, just as important for your child to get to know the school and feel comfortable and confident here. As part of the admissions process, children (Reception – Year 6) are invited for a taster day with their own year group, to find out what life is like at The Mead School. Visiting children are buddied up with a current pupil who will show them the ropes, help them feel at home, and ensure they get as much out of the day as possible. At the end of the day, we will report back to you on how your child got on, with input from any staff involved in learning that day.

Contact us to book your visit

If you would like to make an appointment to visit us, please call Registrar Elizabeth Winter (0)1892 525837 , email or use the form below.