A focus on connection for Child Mental Health Week 2023

“One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.”

Malala Yousafzai

Our philosophy is that children can achieve incredible feats when they set their minds to them, which is why we fill their bucket with confidence and self-belief. We want children to dream big and reach for the stars.

Did you know that five children in a classroom of 30 are now likely to have a mental health problem? (Source: Mental health resources)

Let’s Connect

It is Children’s Mental Health Week from the 6th to the 12 of Feb, raising awareness for the crucial role mental health plays in the wellbeing of our young people. The theme for this year is #letsconnect. We encourage children to connect to family, friends, and teachers in healthy, meaningful ways. We provide children strategies to follow if they feel lonely, such as joining a new club or approaching a playground ‘buddy’ (a wonderful initiative wherein our kind playground buddies volunteer to play games and buddy up with other children). We ask the children to volunteer acts of kindness which helps them feel positive and cheer up somebody who may be sad. House points and other awards are regularly earned at school for kindness towards others.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day focuses the children on online safety, an issue with many facets, from online bullying to dangers and how interacting online makes you feel. This year’s theme was ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.’ The children learnt how to communicate online and to remain kind behind the keyboard. The children learnt about online safety through seminars, a colouring workshop, and practical activities throughout the week.

We concluded the week with a skipping workshop to focus on positive wellbeing.

Help at home?

Whether in the car on the way to school or over dinnertime at home, make room for these conversations in your interactions with your child. Various free resources, videos, quizzes and information are linked below as further advice for caregivers.