How to make the most of a school Open Day

When looking around a school, knowing what to expect and how to make the most of an often-too-short visit can be difficult. Making matters harder, choosing a school is a huge decision that shapes a child through their early experiences. At The Mead, we keep school life as normal as possible during Open Days so you can get a feel for the school as it really is.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your Open Day:

  • The best way to evaluate a school is to look at the end product: the children that have been through the process. Insist on a pupil-led tour, and get to know your guide. Ask them questions about their experiences within the school and how their teachers and the staff encourage their hobbies, interests and talents. We take great pride and adore receiving compliments for our confident, well-rounded and happy children after giving tours. 
  • Plan your questions – this helps you stay on point and ask the questions you want to ask.
  • School should be a happy, safe, nurturing place. If possible, chat with the teachers and current parents to get their opinions.
  • Come again: There is a lot to take in, so visit again or phone with any questions that might occur to you after leaving. 

I enjoyed hearing about the school from the eyes of the children. The two year 6 children held my son’s hand and made him feel comfortable enough to ask them any questions.

Parent, Open Day

What to expect from Open Day at The Mead?

Arrive at school for your time slot required, whereupon our admissions department will greet you before embarking on a tour with our Year 6 children. After your tour, you will be taken for refreshments, where you can chat with our Headmistress, Deputy Head and often parents of current pupils. After this, there is a further opportunity to discuss any next steps and waiting lists. 

Jan 2023: Click here to book a place at our upcoming Open Day.