‘Obvious’ is the most dangerous word in mathematics.
— Eric Temple Bell, Scottish mathematician
Mathematics is about challenging our assumptions, attempting unsolved problems and finding the truth about how the world works. Maths underpins many fields that have shaped the modern world and is a skill vital for life.
During our Maths lessons, we never assume anything is obvious. We help each child toward their own personal moment when it ‘clicks’, using a variety of teaching devices. Practical tasks, visual aids, digital media and demonstrations are some of the ways we introduce mathematical concepts and reinforce understanding. We encourage curiosity (one of our 3 key characteristics of a Meadite) through being ‘truth-seekers, determined to investigate accuracy and a have deeper knowledge and understanding’.
Children can work at their pace due to the small class sizes and dedicated help, ensuring nobody is left behind or left wanting more. Extension tasks are given to the student with a firm grasp and extra reinforcement is given to the children who need it. We provide resources such as Times Tables Rockstars and MyMaths to supplement our learning at home.