Maths Mania
The Mead School participates in Maths Week each year, which aims to raise the profile of Maths across the country and give children a love of Maths. The children threw themselves into Maths Week and there was a genuine buzz and excitement around the school. Entering the ‘England Rocks’ TTRS competition added to the enjoyment as we competed against over 4000 other schools across England in the hope of winning some Amazon vouchers for our school. Various fun Maths activities and games took place in every classroom across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, which allowed children to learn and practice their skills, testing their knowledge along the way.
Maths Games – children took part in a variety of games such as Maths Snakes and Ladders, Maths Bingo, countdown, and many more
Maths activities– Math manipulatives and various activities helped to aid the children and made it more fun visually. These hands-on tools make Maths more tactile and enjoyable.
Maths Competition– Years 3-6 took part in ‘England Rocks’, a Times Tables Rockstars competition, where the school had a chance to win an Amazon voucher. Our top 10 scorers received certificates at school and were celebrated in our Friday assembly. Look out for the top 10 scorers in the photos below!
Overall, Maths Week was a huge success, and we are already looking forward to next year’s event. However, at The Mead are always committed to making Maths understandable and fun for all throughout the year. Well done to all those who took part in this event.