Mental health is at the forefront of our school!
“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.”
Dolly Parton
Fantastic FRED Workshop
Fantastic FRED visited our school car park to educate the children on mental health, delivered by trained actors. The NSPCC recognises mental health as necessary as safeguarding, with negative experiences impacting a child’s behaviour, attainment, relationships and physical well-being.
Fantastic FRED looked at practical ways children could look after their mental health, including eating nutritious food, adequate rest and exercise and responsible use of devices. They carried out a series of 30-minute workshops with each year group.
Mental health at The Mead
We have trained a trained pastoral support deputy head and two mental health leads. We regularly chat with the children about mental health, how strategies can positively help their well-being, and where to go if they struggle. We have an open-door policy for the children to chat with any of the staff in our team and a school therapy dog to make children feel at ease.