Sports for every child
We firmly believe in ‘Sports for all’ at The Mead, which is why we have a range of sporting activities and programmes. These include (not limited to) Football, Netball, Hockey, Rugby, Cricket, Athletics, Taekwondo, Swimming, Cross Country, Gymnastics and Tennis.
A positive approach
We recognise the positive effects of participation in sports, from teambuilding to discipline, physical fitness, emotional well-being and self-esteem.
An all-ability approach
KS2 participate in weekly fixtures, not just for the gifted and talented but for everyone. School sports give a great sense of empowerment through participating with classmates and working together as a team.
A gentle approach
What if you have a child that is anxious to participate in sports? We ensure everyone feels comfortable at the level they play. For example, in rugby, we offer touch, semi-contact or full-contact rugby to suit all abilities.
An inclusive approach
All children should have a chance to participate in a comprehensive range of sports. This term, there is a mixed Hockey tournament and mixed cross country. New additions include girls’ football matches/tournaments and boys’ Hockey matches
In EYFS and KS1, children play sport as a year group, providing more interaction across classes and exposure to a variety of sports.