The Mead School is ‘Double Excellent’!

We are delighted to announce that we have been rated DOUBLE EXCELLENT- the highest possible award by the Independent School Inspectorate. Our latest report achieved the highest rating a school can achieve. 

The full report can be accessed here.

“Pupils’ achievement is excellent. They attain very highly and progress well A high proportion of leavers attain places at selective senior and grammar schools”

” Pupils consistently display outstanding attitudes towards learning and achievemnet. They demonstrate very high levels of engagement and are keen to learn”

“Pupils exhibit a very strong appreciation of diversity and equality”

The Result

The inspection is divided into two areas; focused compliance (all standards met) and educational quality, which is comprised of two areas; pupils’ academic achievements and other achievements (excellent) and the quality of the pupil’s personal development (excellent). There are four grades; unsatisfactory, sound, good and excellent. Together they build up the overall result, which in our case was the ‘double excellent’ achievement. 

How do the inspectors conclude? 

The inspectors spend three days at school looking at all areas through parent questionnaires, focus groups with children, lesson observations, risk assessments, checking the suitability of the building and so on. They are highly trained to go beyond a school’s surface. After the inspection, a detailed report is published with all the findings. We are delighted to share our results with you all:

What is an EQ inspection?

The EQ is an inspection of all aspects of a school structure split into eight main parts; quality of education, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students, welfare, health and safety of the student, suitability of staff, support staff and proprietors, premises and accommodation at school, provision of information, how complaints are handled, quality of leadership in and management of the school.