The school day
The school day at The Mead is busy and happy. The school is open from 7.45am-5.30pm.
Daily routine
7.45am Breakfast Club* – Open to all age groups. A delicious, healthy range of breakfasts and cereals, with juice and toast, followed by supervised playtime.
8.20-8.40am Doors and gate open
8.40am Registration
8.45-9.00am Assembly (Monday – Friday), a chance for Houses or the whole school to gather collectively to reflect, plan and celebrate our achievements.
9.00am – Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 morning lessons begin
10.10-10.30am Break for Reception-Year 6, includes a snack and a drink
12.15pm/12.50 Lunch sittings are staggered for Kindergarten, Pre-Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Our in-house cooks serve a wide range of delicious, hot, wholesome and nutritionally-balanced dishes. There is always a demand for seconds!
12.50pm Kindergarten & Pre-Reception leave if not staying all day
1.25pm/2.00pm Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 afternoon lessons begin
3.45pm End of school day for all unless staying on for clubs
3.45pm Munch Bunch & Number 1 Club until 5.30pm*. After school care provision for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children, where they are given tea and have the opportunity to have supervised play, craft and games time and Key Stage 1 children have time to complete homework.
3.45–4.30pm Tea and play followed by prep for Key Stage 2
4.30pm Key Stage 2 clubs begin – We offer a diverse range of after school clubs along with Prep which allows children the time to complete homework in a classroom with a teacher to hand for assistance.
5.30pm All clubs finish
*Indicates an extra charge. These activities can be booked through the school office if required. Breakfast club operates on an ad-hoc basis.